Comment avoir plus d’énergie au travail

Life moves at breakneck speed, stress is a permanent part of our life, deadlines and goals are present at all times. And to add to it, for a good part of the population, work is now at home, we start earlier, often with lunch, we work while eating, we take a load between two videoconferences.

I can guess the stress and fatigue at the end of the day, and the end of the week. If I told you that it is possible to have more energy at work, to be more efficient, and more rested, and more creative Do better, and in less times?

 Here are 11 tips to make your days more energized:

  • Have a good night's sleep

Nowadays, sleeping little, getting up as early as possible to accomplish the most things in 1 day has become quite trendy. Yet we all need sleep and rest to be functional. An adult would need a minimum of 7 hours of good sleep to be fit.

So maybe extend your nights by an hour or two if your nights are too short, you'll see, your concentration will be much better!

  • Organize your days with time slots

Organization is often the key and it is essential to keep time for yourself. Schedule intense work hours, breaks, meal times, time to play sports, time to get some fresh air at lunchtime, and IMPORTANT: time to have fun!

  • Take breaks

If you work all the time and you don't take the time to stop, the brain becomes exhausted. He needs breaks! So yes, take some time for yourself. When it's time to get back to work, you will see that your energy will be increased tenfold, and your creativity too! The unconscious manages your tasks during break times, and will help you find solutions. Tasks will be completed much more efficiently and quickly.

  • take a vacation

If you have the chance, try to take 1 week of vacation per season!

Oh! It would therefore be interesting if it were prescribed to us! But, if the opportunity presents itself to you, jump at the chance! Dropping out (for real!) will allow you to replenish your energy and concentrate better on your return.

  • Pick up, a little every day, and every day off

I hear entrepreneurs here say: An entrepreneur really never stops. A good deal of truth, entrepreneurship is part of our lives. An email here, a message there, etc. A good mental charge that remains present almost at all times. Still, it is important to make a break. A worker who manages to actually stop a little each day is happier and more productive!

  • Have a good lunch!

Your mothers used to tell you that the morning meal is the most important. Well, she was right! Breakfast gives us the fuel to start our day off right. Eggs, fruit, nuts, a good granola on yogurt, cheese, a slice of whole grain bread, etc. All good things to support you well, and not lack energy. We avoid the big sugary and greasy breakfast.

And the coffee 1 good coffee in the morning hummmm what could be better As noted in the article:e : Energy, concentration, avoiding a crash: the best ways to prepare your morning coffee, there is the possibility of pimping your coffee, a question of eliminating the crash that often follows.t.

  • Take snacks

Eating good nutritious snacks between meals also helps to keep our focus, to conserve our energy, until the next meal. You can refer to the article written by Marie-Noël Marsan, Nutritionist, on snacks:The ABCs of the perfect snack.

Take aMatcha tea also in the middle of the morning, at the break, is also a good way to have a good boost of lasting energy.

  • Do not stress with meals

Plan meals in advance (you can refer to the article:« Sunday Meal Prep for Healthy Eatingt , is a great way to reduce the mental load during the week. Mealtime worry eliminated, it will be one less source of distraction during the day.

You will have understood: the goal is to eliminate external sources of stress and distractions, to be more productive and creative!

  • eat well

A healthy, balanced diet will provide you with the energy you need to get through your working day, much more than if you eat a non-nutritious meal.

For example, it is recommended to fill thevitamin D deficiencies in winter, to make up for a lack ofmagnesium which affects the majority of the population, or even to make up for a lack of protein if you train a lot with aprotein powder quality. You can also help yourself with a boost of energy and calm with a supplement ofd’ashwagandha or a natural product to help your quality of sleep. Everyone has a different body and unique needs. It may be a good idea to ask your healthcare professional what might help you.

  • Play sports

To move! The best way to unhook and oxygenate our brain! Keep a minimum of 30 minutes a day to move. Your mind will thank you! You think you don't have time If Barak Obama as former President of the United States took himself a 45 min, 6 times a week, to train, there is a way to do it, and there was a reason for that..

What more can be said?

One of the hottest trends for 2023 will be wellness. And I hope this trend will continue.  Help you find a balance between rest and work. You do not want to go to exhaustion, on the contrary! Everyone ultimately wants to be happy both professionally and personally.

Wishing you balance, energy and happiness!

Tell me, what tips have been most useful to you??


 Article written by Audrée Hogue







Mode de vie

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