Here is the list of our valued partners:

Haytham Saliba, Importer and Distributor
Montreal, QC
Alain Gosselin and Emilie Provencher
Owners Equilibre Performance Nutrition
International Fitness Coaches and Athletes
Hugo Cournoyer
Kinesiologist / Naturopath
Owner / Founder Clinique Santé Impulsion
Sorel / Montreal / Contrecoeur
Emilie Riendeau
Naturopath, B.Sc, ND, K.In
Olista Clinic
Émilie Riendeau can be reached on her social networks:instagram
or by email at:
Successful Web Entrepreneur
Jean-Simon Labrosse
Social Media Strategist
Marc-Andre Paquin
Software Engineer / Mobile & Web Developer
Marie-Noel Marsan
Claudia Labrosse
Kinesiologist certified by the Federation of Kinesiologists of Quebec (FKQ)

Link to the CHANGERensemble community 
Special thanks to:

Dr. Sylvain Guimond, Ph.D.
Physical Educator, Osteopath, Speaker and Author
for his invaluable help in the adventure

As well as:
Isabelle Huot Doctor in Nutrition
For his coaching, his generosity and his collaboration.