La constance à l’entrainement (Partie1)

A myth to deconstruct and two pitfalls to avoid (Part 1)

Note: The feminine has been used throughout the text to facilitate writing and reading.

I often hear my new clients tell me that they have difficulty with their consistency. We all know deep down that it is a fundamental ingredient for success in training. What most people seem to ignore though is that human constancy is different from that of a feeling or phenomenon read on to understand better!!

The Big Myth: Constancy = Perfection

To begin, here are the definitions of constancy, taken from the Larousse dictionary (

As humans, instead of talking about constancy, we should rather talk about perseverance and patience. In fact, that is the secret of success. Instead of wanting to be perfect, we should on the contrary persevere DESPITE the pitfalls and obstacles that we find on our way.

Now let's talk about the pitfalls of this great myth.

Pitfall 1: Rigidity

Ah the rigidity, this great friend who follows me too often like a shadow! Unfortunately, I'm not the only one: the Sunday sportsman who trains furiously for his triathlon, the supermom who always asks for more, passing by the V-P who does nothing but work. This kind of harmful thought, that nothing should come to upset our plans, our expectations or our objective. When there is upheaval, we must absolutely do it despite fatigue, pain or our mental balance. Well no! This kind of long-term sustained rigidity brings its own set of problems: overtraining, exhaustion, injuries and so on. In fact, we can replace that with better listening to ourselves.



Every morning, noon, or night, ask yourself the following question: What would I be able to do for my health right now that would do me good and fit into my schedule? » 

Normally a block of 5 to 15 minutes is sufficient to maintain a minimum of consistency. (See the article: Make a goal a habit, not just a resolution!)

You will be surprised to find that the answer may vary from day to day. One day you will be attracted by the calm of a few stretches, another you will feel the need to go for a walk to clear your brain. Finally, a sudden urge to expend the accumulated energy after a marathon of meetings could prompt you to perform strengthening exercises.


Pitfall 2: Negative self-talk

Yes yes, that little voice that tells you that if you haven't trained today then you won't be able toNEVER, to have the silhouette of your dreams, to run your marathon or to touch your toes without wanting to die. This internal discourse filled with spades, mockery or discouragement unfortunately does not help much. By dint of beating on it, we ended up giving up so as not to hear it. Which, by the same token, reinforces her by proving her right. Not only that, but we can even go so far as to lose our self-confidence and believe in the nonsense she throws at us. (See the article: How to stay motivated in training?)


Underline in front of a mirror (by speaking aloud) a small victory for our health. For instance :

  • I am proud that I brought my water bottle with me to the office today.
  • I'm glad I went for a 15-minute walk at dinnertime with my partner.
  • I felt better after taking a micro stretching break between two meetings.


So the next time you get frustrated with yourself for not having the week of practice remember that perfection doesn't exist. Sometimes, missing a session can become synonymous with being more attentive to your daily needs. Planning is good, but adapting is better. In a future article, I will discuss the tricks to adapt more easily and increase its consistency..


Article written by:

Claudia Labrosse
Kinesiologist certified by the Federation of Kinesiologists of Quebec (FKQ)

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