L'ABC d'un petit déjeuner santé et soutenant

As its name suggests, breakfast interrupts the fast observed during the night. This first meal of the day helps meet the energy and nutrient needs the body needs to perform its daily functions. Here are some tips for preparing a healthy breakfast and starting the day off right.

The composition of an ideal breakfast

An ideal breakfast usually consists of three main elements: fruits and/or vegetables, whole-grain foods, and protein foods. Finally, breakfast is accompanied by a source of hydration.

  1. Fruits and vegetables for breakfast

Fruits and vegetables provide vitamins, minerals and fiber. (See theDried Fruits) Vitamins and minerals are essential for good health and perform many functions in the body. As for fiber, it contributes to satiation and can also help regulate intestinal transit, reduce cholesterol and better control blood sugar. In addition, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), the consumption of at least 400 g of fruit and vegetables per day reduces the risk of non-communicable diseases, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. (See the articles:Tips for lowering bad cholesterol andHigh blood pressure: how to control it and the DASH diet)

  1. Whole grain foods for breakfast

Examples of whole grain foods include whole grain breads, oatmeal, quinoa, buckwheat, whole grain flours, etc. Whole grain foods provide carbohydrates, the preferred source of energy for certain organs, including the brain and working muscles. In addition, unlike refined grain foods, whole grain foods provide more fiber, vitamins and minerals. (See the article: Constipation in adults)

  1. Protein foods for breakfast

As their name suggests, protein foods, such as dairy products and alternatives, tofu, eggs, seeds and nuts, are good sources of protein. These contribute to the feeling of satiety provided by a meal and support it over a longer period. They also contribute to the proper functioning of the body by promoting muscle repair and the production of various enzymes. In terms of the type of protein, it is recommended to consume vegetable proteins more often. Plant proteins, such as tofu, nuts and legumes, generally provide more fiber and less saturated fat than animal proteins. This can have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular health and on the environment.

  1. A source of hydration at breakfast

Finally, an ideal breakfast comes with a source of hydration. Like carbohydrates, fats and proteins, water is an essential nutrient for the human body. Indeed, it represents about 60% of the body weight of an adult and is involved in many functions of the body, such as the transport of nutrients, the lubrication of the joints, the regulation of body temperature and the maintenance of blood volume. . Drinks to be preferred include water, tea, coffee and herbal tea.

The importance of variety and quality of food for breakfast

As for the other meals of the day, it is important to vary the foods that make up breakfast by alternating between the different sources of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and proteins. Dietary variety is important because it helps reduce the risk of nutritional deficiencies. By increasing the variety in your diet, you are consuming a wider range of different nutrients. Regarding quality, it is preferable to opt for fresh and little or not processed food. Indeed, highly processed foods (e.g., breakfast cereals, industrial baked goods, spreads, etc.) are often high in salt, added sugars and saturated fats, which are harmful to your health (See l 'article:Processed foods and the NOVA classification).

The amount of food for breakfast

Regarding the quantity, it varies according to the appetite of each individual. For example, people who are less hungry in the morning can eat a lighter breakfast and supplement it with a snack later in the morning.

Finally, each person is different and has unique needs. There is no universal breakfast that can suit all individuals. The important thing is to find a way to eat that suits you while promoting your health. If you feel the need, a consultation with a medical professional can help you in this process.


  1. « Water and the Electrolytes. UnderstandingNutrition, by Eleanor N. Whitney et al., Nelson Education, 2013, p. 355379..
  2. https://www.who.int/en/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/healthy-diet
  3. https://food-guide.canada.ca/en/

Article written by:

Marie-Noël Marsan, Nutritionist

AlimentationMode de vieSanté

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