Recette de yogourt protéiné au chocolat et au granola

If you're looking for an easy and healthy breakfast or snack recipe, this protein yogurt recipe is for you!

It uses ingredients rich in protein and fibre, to give you a nutrient-dense breakfast or snack that will help you feel full and energized all day long.

Ingredients: (for 2 servings)

  • 1 cup vegan or Greek yogurt
  • 1 scoop ofAPT Lab chocolate protein (I chose the Beef Protein Supreme, it could be another one. This one contains organic cocoa and tastes really, really good!)
  • 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
  • 1/4 cup oats
  • 1/4 cup ofhome made granola-bars
  • As a garnish:
  • 1/4 cup of granola (it could be another granola from the store (Ex: the granolas ofIsabelle Huot or those ofMomentum)
  • Some fresh fruit of your choice for garnish, and nut butter, if desired!

Instructions :

  1. In a bowl, mix the yogurt with the APT Lab Chocolate Protein until the protein is well incorporated.
  2. Add the chia seeds and oats and homemade granola to the bowl and stir well.
  3. Divide the yogurt mixture between two bowls or glasses.
  4. Top each serving with a generous dollop of the granola mix, some fresh fruit, nut butter, and a few extra almonds if desired.
  5. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Bottom Line: This recipe for APT Lab Chocolate, Chia Seed, Oatmeal, and Almond Granola Vegan Protein Yogurt from is an excellent source of plant-based protein and fiber, which will help you feel satiated and energized throughout the day. It's also easy to customize using your favorite fruits, nuts and granolas to get the perfect combination for you! Try this recipe today for a nutritious and delicious breakfast or snack.


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