L'alimentation et la perte de poids

Weight loss is a concern for many people. To achieve weight loss, it is generally suggested to create a caloric deficit by reducing food intake and increasing energy expenditure through physical activity. "MOVE MORE - EAT LESS"

However, an individual's weight depends on many factors such as genetics, age, medications, stress, and sleep. Therefore, it is not possible to predict an individual's response to a negative caloric balance. Some people manage to lose weight while others do not lose any or may even gain weight. However, simply changing one's lifestyle habits (nutrition, physical activity, sleep, etc.) leads to health benefits that can be surprising. Now, let's take a look together at the "nutrition" aspect of lifestyle habits.

Weight loss nutrition

Adopting a healthy diet is part of the lifestyle habits that can significantly reduce various risk factors related to the development of chronic diseases and sometimes lead to weight loss. The Canadian Food Guide recognizes that a healthy diet includes the food choices we make, but also that it goes beyond just the foods consumed. Indeed, the way, the place, the reason, and the time we eat also matter. The recommendations of the Canadian Food Guide for a healthy diet therefore integrate food choices, but also eating habits. Foods and beverages work together to help maintain health, feel good, and meet nutritional needs.

The recommendations regarding food choices 

  • Eat plant-based proteins more often
    • The plant-based proteins, such as nuts, legumes, tempeh, and tofu, contain more fiber and less saturated fat than animal-based proteins. This property could be beneficial for cardiovascular health.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables in abundance
    • Integrating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables into your diet, by varying the colors on your plate, is one of the main recommendations to meet your needs for vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Snacks of dried fruits They are easy to integrate, and very high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are concentrated in carbohydrates, so it is important not to consume too much. 
  • Prefer whole grains
    • Unlike refined grains, they provide more nutrients, including more fiber, protein, vitamins (B group, vitamin E), and minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium).
  • Favor unsaturated fats
    • The quality of fats consumed is more important than the quantity of fats consumed. The fats to prioritize, the unsaturated fats, are found notably in nuts (e.g.: almonds, walnuts), seeds (flax, chia, sesame), avocados, fatty fish (e.g.: salmon, sardines, mackerel) and vegetable oils (e.g.: olive, avocado, canola). They help reduce the risk of developing heart diseases. The fats to limit, saturated fats, are mainly found in fatty meats, highly processed foods, and certain tropical oils, such as palm oil and coconut oil.
  • Prefer water as your daily drink
    • Sweet drinks increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cavities. Juices are also very sugary. It is better to choose a fruit over a juice.
  • Be careful with food marketing
    • Food marketing can influence food choices. However, this advertising does not necessarily target healthy foods. Indeed, many foods promoted by marketing are high in sodium, sugars, and saturated fats. It is therefore important not to rely solely on a product's marketing, but to always read the ingredient list and look at the nutrition facts table to make an informed choice.
  • Limit highly processed foods
    • The highly processed foods include sugary drinks, frozen meals, baked goods (e.g.: muffins, cakes, etc.), sausages, etc. These foods are often high in sodium, sugars, and saturated fats. However, excessive consumption of sodium, sugars, and saturated fats can increase the risk of developing chronic diseases.

The recommendations regarding eating habits 

  • Cook more often
    • The act of anticipating, planning ***and preparing meals allows for a healthier diet by making healthier choices, but also saves time at the grocery store, saves money, and reduces food waste. *** (See the article:  "Sunday Meal Prep" for healthy eating
  • Learn to recognize your hunger and satiety signals
  • Take the time to eat
    • This allows for being more attuned to the signals sent by one's body.
  • Savoring your food
    • Eating should be a pleasure. It is important to make healthy food choices that take into account one's preferences, tastes, culture, and traditions.
  • Taking meals in good company
    • The meal experience with family, friends, or colleagues (outside of Covid-19) contributes to the pleasure of eating and allows for food discoveries and the transmission of traditions.

More than weight, it is the adoption of healthy lifestyle habits that matters. Indeed, even without weight loss, it provides benefits for overall health, both physical and mental. In order to maintain healthy habits throughout life, it is important to proceed gradually and set realistic goals. It is about developing a new way of life in the long term, taking into account one's possibilities and limits.


  1. https://guide-alimentaire.canada.ca/fr/
  2. https://www.unlockfood.ca/fr/Articles/Cuisine-preparation-des-aliments/Cuisiner-avec-des-grains-entiers.aspx#:~:text=Les%20grains%20entiers%20sont%20des,vitamine%20B%20et%20des%20min%C3%A9raux.


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