Pour réduire le gaspillage alimentaire, comment réutiliser ses «déchets» de cuisine?

According to a study conducted for the National Zero Waste Council, 2.2 million tonnes of food are wasted every year by Canadian households. It is estimated that a family wastes an average of 140 kilograms of food annually, the equivalent of approximately $1,100. In addition, food produced but not consumed uses resources, such as water and land, unnecessarily, and the management of this food waste generates greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change. Food waste therefore has a significant environmental and economic impact. A good way to reduce food waste is to reuse kitchen scraps. (See the article:: What will be the food trends to watch for 2022?, circular economy section) Apart from compost, are there other ways to reuse food waste? Let's see together some tips for less waste in the kitchen..

  1. Vegetable scraps and peelings

When preparing vegetables, keep pre-washed scraps, stems and peelings in a container in the freezer. When you have enough of them, you can use them to prepare a delicious broth.

  1. Containers and packaging

When you buy foods sold in containers, especially glass ones, you can wash them and reuse them to store bulk foods, such as nuts, legumes, grains, etc.

  1. Cheese crusts

The rinds of some cheeses, such as Parmesan, can be used to flavor a soup or sauce.

  1. Carcasses and bones

Carcasses and bones of meat, poultry or fish can be used to make broth or stock.

  1. The stale bread

Leftover bread that has hardened can be used to make croutons, breadcrumbs, bread pudding or French toast.

  1. Regrow certain vegetables and herbs

Some vegetables, especially green onions, and herbs are fairly easy to regrow. Simply save the base of green onions or herbs, place it in a glass filled with water at the height of the roots and expose it to light.

  1. Tired vegetables and fruits

Vegetables that are starting to show signs of fatigue are great in soups and purees. As for tired fruits, they can be used to prepare compotes,smoothies, or cakes, muffins, cookies, etc.

  1. Surpluses and leftovers

Surpluses and leftovers can be used to prepare other meals, frozen or canned.

  1. Use available resources

There are many resources online to help you reduce everyday food waste. These resources are full of tips, tricks, advice and recipes. Among these are:



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