Are you looking for solutions to have snacks on hand?
You are tired of opening the pantry and saying to yourself: "I cooked and I have nothing good to eat!"
Or even worse... Hearing the kids whine while opening the pantry: "I'm hungry! There's nothing to eat!"
In this case, here is YOUR solution: The Healthy Snacks Box! More than thirty snacks to satisfy your cravings.
You will receive:
- 1 set of the 6 famous flavors of Fit-Fit balls
- 1 bag of Fit-Fit Energy Balls Date, Cocoa, Hazelnut (large size)
- 1 bag of Fit-Fit Brownie Energy Balls (large size)
- 1 set of 6 snacks Isabelle Huot
- 1 bag of Double Blueberry Muffin Mix Isabelle Huot
- 1 organic blend Elan of dried fruits and nuts - Fiji mix or Himalayan Sun
What are you waiting for?
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