Unable to choose between the different flavors of the wonderful Fit-Fit Energy Balls? 3 or 4 ingredients, gluten-free, VEGAN, non-GMO & no added sugar!
We know, the choice is difficult to make! That's why we decided to offer you a set of 6 flavors that are so tasty! The perfect size for your snacks.
- Energy Balls Fit-Fit 'Grab & Go' Espresso Coffee, Dates, Banana, and Hazelnuts
- Energy Balls Fit-Fit 'Grab & Go' Dates, Cocoa & Hazelnuts
- Fit-Fit 'Grab & Go' Energy Balls Dates, Coconut & Hazelnuts
- Energy Balls Fit-Fit 'Grab & Go' Figs, Walnuts & Chia Seeds
- Healthy Snacks Fit-Fit 'Grab & Go' Energy Balls Dark Chocolate Filled Cranberry Balls
- Healthy Snack Energy Balls Fit-Fit 'Grab & Go' Magma Balls Dates, Cacao filled with Peanut Butter
What a wonderful way to choose our favorites!!!
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