CLEARANCE (end of line) L'Envie du Miel - Oak Honey


$15.99 $25


Oak honey is a unique honey that is gradually gaining international culinary notoriety !

By its dark color, almost black, its aroma, its intense taste and its texture, it is a honey that differs from all the others. This oak honey will appeal to lovers of full-bodied and powerful honeys, with more or less accentuated woody flavors.

The liquid texture of oak honey allows a varied use:

  • In cooking, as a sugar substitute
  • In your hot drinks such as tea, herbal tea or coffee
  • On toast with butter and/or jam for an invigorating breakfast.

Of all honeys, oak honey is the richest in trace elements, such as iodine, copper and zinc. Rich in iron, it is known to be a natural tonic , very effective in the fight against fatigue and anemia. Consumed in moderation but regularly, it is therefore good for health.

Its unique side comes from the fact that it is developed differently from other honeys. The oak does not produce nectar, it is the aphids which feed on the sap, then secreting a honeydew which will then be foraged by bees; which gives oak honey.

An exceptional product, proudly produced in Lebanon, and tested at each harvest.

430g per jar.

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