Magnesium and B6 are the perfect combos. This combination facilitates the digestion, absorption and utilization of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and turns them into usable energy. If your body does not have energy nutrients, you risk developing food cravings, anxiety, low blood sugar and a tendency to overeat!
- You want to reduce your stress level
- You want to improve the quality of your sleep
- Sometimes you have muscles that tighten
- You want to improve your overall health
- You are already consuming a lot of magnesium in your normal diet (very unlikely)
- Before going to bed: Take 1 to 4 servings 10 to 15 minutes before going to bed. Start with 1 serving and gradually increase if necessary.
- With your first meal: Take 1 serving with food if you wake up feeling stressed
- Post-workout: Take 1 to 2 servings if you want to reduce inflammation
- Servings Per Bottle: 120x
- Non-medicinal ingredients: Hypromellose, brown rice flour, leucine, magnesium stearate
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