- Reduction of mental and physical stress
- Promotes a state of relaxation and well-being
- Improves attention
- Maintain vigilance
- Improves the quality of sleep when taken before nighttime
L-Theanine induces alpha wave activity and increases the production of GABA, the main neurotransmitter that reduces the arousal of neurons in the brain, resulting in a state of relaxation and well-being, while being alert..
And L-theanine will help you get deeper, healthier sleep. Due to its ability to stimulate the creation of alpha brain waves, L-theanine helps the brain and body enter the first stage of sleep. L-theanine supplementation can help you fall asleep faster and easier at bedtime since it promotes relaxation. The amino acid does not work as a sedative, but rather lowers the level of anxiety. Individuals who experience sleep disorders p. ex. : frequent waking up at 3 a.m. may benefit from the effects ofs de la L-theanine, lwhen taken at bedtime.
INDICATION: Helps temporarily promote a state of relaxation.
Each capsule contains:
L-Theanine - Camelia sinensis leaf extract: 250 mg
Hypromellose vegetable capsulee)
L-Leucine pharmaceutical grade 100 vegetable lubricantnt)
60 vegetable capsules
DOSAGE adults:
Take 1 capsule per day.
N.P.N. 80018717
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