Your digestion is sometimes difficult
You want a simple and effective solution to help ease your digestion?
We have the solution to help your digestive system:
- Digest food properly so that the body assimilates it well
- Decrease symptoms of poor digestion such as heartburn, bloating, gas, constipation and cramps
- Decrease fatigue after meals
Enzymatik Control - ATP Lab: Enzimatik Control is a mixture of enzymes to promote the digestion of food. They help reduce gas production after a meal rich in fermentable carbohydrates. This mixture is used in herbal medicine to help relieve dyspepsia and to prevent nausea. Also used as a digestive tonic or digestive bitter herb with the aim of stimulating appetite, aiding digestion as well as to facilitate the evacuation of bile.
PreBioFib - ATP Lab: The PréBioFib fiber mix is composed of prebiotic fibers, for optimal intestinal health. They are commonly used in herbal medicine as a mucilaginous laxative, to promote bowel movement by increasing stool volume and water content, and to gently relieve constipation or irregularity problems.
Probio7 - ATP Lab:Probio 7 probiotics provide 50 billion active cultures to help support gut and gastrointestinal health. Probio 7's probiotic blend contributes to aimproving the quality of the microbiota (intestinal flora) and strengthening immune functions. It helps to reduce gastrointestinal problems and to quickly restore a healthy intestinal flora.
* Disclaimers are available on the pages of each product.
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