- Increases testosterone
- Promotes muscle recovery
- Optimizes the quality of sleep
- Vegan
- Gluten free
- Peanut free,Lactose free, Soy free, No coloring, No sugar
Looking to improve your sleep habits and increase your strength by taking a supplement Look no further! Believe Supplements has formulated the perfect ZMA supplement for you. ZMA is a supplement made up of two minerals and a vitamin: Zinc and magnesium, and B6. This supplement is backed by numerous clinical studies to aid in testosterone production, increase bodybuilding and strength, and ultimately improve muscle recovery..
- You want to increase your natural testosterone production
- You want to improve your body composition
- You want to gain muscle mass more easily
- You want to see an improvement in your strength
- You want to see an improvement in your mood and energy level
- You want to strengthen your immune system
- You want to help improve your hormonal balance
- You have just stopped taking Male Balance and want to maintain a higher testosterone level
- You want to reduce your stress level
- You want to improve the quality of your sleep
- Sometimes you have muscles that tighten
- You want to improve your overall health
- You need zinc and magnesium, but you don't want to take too many pills
- You are getting enough zinc and magnesium as part of your usual diet (which is very rare)
- With the first meal: Take 1 serving with food
- Before bedtime: Take 2-3 servings 15-20 minutes before sleeping
- Servings Per Bottle: 90x
- Non-medicinal ingredients: Hypromellose, brown rice flour, leucine, magnesium stearate
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