- Helps to have a deep and healthy sleep
- Reduces symptoms of stress and nervousness
- Optimizes muscle relaxation
- Gluten free
- Vegan
- Peanut-free, Lactose-free, Soy-free, No coloring, No sugar
Corti Balance is formulated to help reduce body fat, support the adrenal system, promote restful sleep, and support your natural"hormone clock"for an optimized metabolic rate. If you want results, there is nothing quite like taking care of your sleep!
- You want to better control your cravings
- You want to improve your body composition
- You want to eat a fair amount of carbohydrates and not gain fat
- You want to help your body make good use of a"cheat meal"
- You are already sleeping perfectly well
- You don't have at least 4 hours of sleep in front of you. The effects of this product last a long time and we want you to be well rested, not asleep yet.
Servings Per Bottle: 60x
Nonmedicinal ingredients: Hypromellose, brown rice flour, magnesium stearate
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