From "weekend warriors" to professional athletes, you know that nothing is more important than good hydration. You need it to give your best. Dig deep and dominate!
In fact: a simple dehydration of 2% can reduce concentration and physical performance by 20%!
Contains the 5 key electrolytes at the correct levels according to the WHO (World Health Organization) with sodium and potassium levels of 2:1.
4X more advantageous hydration
- More complete
- Clinically correct
- Transport correctly activated
- Sugar-free and carbohydrate-free
- Without coloring agent
Contains the 5 key electrolytes
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Chloride
- Magnesium
- Calcium
How to use them: (during a workout where you sweat, to stay hydrated)
- Before training Consume an isotonic drink 30 to 60 minutes before your session for optimal hydration and a timely energy boost.
- During training Drink a few sips every 10 to 15 minutes to maintain your hydration, improve your endurance, and stay performance during long and intense efforts.
- After training Replenish your water and electrolyte reserves immediately after your session by drinking the same amounts as water.
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