Les « performers » et la récupération

 «High performers workaholic » … 

I'm willing to bet these terms speak to you ...

But to understand that excellence has nothing to do with these ways of doing and thinking is a real liberation.

I've had some thoughts on it in recent years ... oh yeah ... It's all personal but talking to multiple clients, immersed in entrepreneurship and listening to the experts is definitely a very strong trend.

How about being a high achiever according to your real desires, values, priorities, wants and dreams while taking care of you I mean actually taking care of yourself.us.

What if being a high achiever was precisely not being a workaholic 365 days a yearnée ?

The principle of recovery applies to different areas of our life; training, work, parents' life, lifestyle…

I discuss different types of recovery with my clientele depending on what seems to be the priority at the moment. Life is not linear. Learning to live among valleys instead of constantly crossing mountains is much less exhausting and allows us to see better into the distance. Many of us have gone through or will go through great hardships through more difficult situations in our lifetime. But besides these times, it would be nice to tame our minds and treat ourselves a little more kindly. We will give ourselves the right to recover thereafter.

There are many facets to this but let's talk about recovery here.

Training and sports performance

  • Recovery in training is cyclical and fact-based depending on the phase of training you are in and your discipline. A good coach will plan active, partial and even full recovery periods.

Remember you want to PREVENT burnout. Of course, the recovery must precede this feeling of increased and accumulated fatigue. Other than programming, it is obvious that several parameters must be checked with the athlete. We will take into consideration his lifestyle, experience, background and personality for example.

I constantly see the surprise in a client's face when I recommend a recovery that can last anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks. It is only during or after stopping that this person understands the effectiveness of knowing how to stop. They learn to prevent and realize that this is part of the results.

For the experienced, when training becomes a second job, a puzzle and very little positive (other than the organization) it is sometimes a sign that we must consider a way to take a step back to move forward in leaps and bounds by the following.

For my female weightlifters, undertaking 1 to 2 weeks of active recovery through yoga in non-performance can be extremely beneficial mentally and physically.. 

Business, work and ambitions

It is absolutely normal and even I would say almost necessary to haves moments in the year we feel a little overwhelmed with the workload and feel somewhat overwhelm. In my humble opinion, it's often a good sign if it's not for lack of organization (being a whole different subject but oh so important). This temporary feeling is often the result of big plans that come true, a step forward in business, work and self-fulfillment. Feeling a little outside our comfort zone opens doors for us. This state of being must have an end. Remember the valleyslons …

My key to maintaining as much inner calm as possible between visualizing my vision and achieving it is organizing tasks, organizing my mind, and moderating my thoughts that crop up over and over again. This brings me to the topic of mental recovery facing work.

I’m one of the ones whose ideas never stop! …

You tell yourself me too! . I would be lying to you if I told you that I don't like to be that way. It stimulates me, I am passionate and I thrive on projects. But it had become VITAL and PRIMORDIAL for me to control and classify them. Understand that an idea will have to wait and that this does not mean that it is forgotten. Otherwise the mental overload becomes disabling in the long term. You will become exhausted without fully understanding why. All this without talking about thea mental overload often also presents as a parent.

Parental role recovery

Dear parents, I can already hear you laughing and telling yourself as if it was possible haha.a.

Let each other be understood ... I have no lessons to teach parents, really none. I am inspired by great moms and I try things ...: P

Allowing yourself to be free from the guilt of going on a romantic getaway, letting go of trying to be a perfect parent is a step in the right direction.

It's a safe bet that if your schedule is far too tightly planned that your children's will be too.

I sincerely believe that many of us have learned during the pandemic that days with nothing on the children's agenda are extremely beneficial and calming. By constantly chatting with parents of children I can tell you that they inspire me in their own way every day.

If you find your way there in what has been covered in this blog, I recommend that you start some soul-searching.

Nothing complicated, nothing heavy but just a glance at yourself for a little more lightness on a daily basis.

The high achiever does not mean being overbooked just being well booked and in full conscience.cience.


Training and lifestyle

Contact a good trainer / naturopath


Consult a psychologist who specializes in personal growth and has extensive experience with the business side if you have one.e.

I will leave you a reference from a coach in human potential personal development with whom I very much enjoy working: Marc Dumaine.ine.

You can read books, listen to Podcasts, browse blogs, watch specialist videos on Youtube ... there is no lack of means.


To each their own personality, to each their own preference.

Having a coach just clicks or doesn't click.ment.

Please feel free to comment if you feel challenged or if you have any questions.

Share if you think this might help another person.


Good success !


Here are the words that follow me and guide me for several years


« My goal is not to be successful in life, but to be successful in life. The two can coexist but only one has priority..


Article written by Émilie Provencher

Co-Owner Center Balance Performance Nutrition / Professional Athlete

Émilie Provencher and Alain Gosselin can be reached onInstagram and onFacebook.


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