Le magnésium, un essentiel à la santé!!!

Magnesium Dossier, part 1 of 3.

The minerals! Some steal the show from others…

We think about bone health, we think about calcium! We think of high pressure, sodium is targeted automatically, or even cramps we will eat bananas to fill the possible lack of potassium!!

Magnesium goes a little more unnoticed in the mineral world. However, it is the 4th most present mineral in our body, along with calcium, phosphorus, and sodium. On its own, it is essential for over 300 different chemical and neurological reactions in our bodies. It ranges from protein synthesis, to muscle and nerve transmission, to energy production, to healthy teeth and bones, to stabilizing sugar levels, etc.

ESSENTIAL, this magnesium!

It is of course found in our food. But multiple studies show that around 70% of the population is deficient in magnesium, not getting enough. Is it surprising with the impoverished soils and the consumption of processed foods? Not really..

After reading this, you will surely be more convinced of the importance of this magnesium supplement!

Blood tests ineffective!

Unfortunately, blood tests cannot take into account the actual level of magnesium in the blood. More than half of the magnesium in our body is found in bones, and the other large part in muscles. So what ends up in the blood cannot be measured exactly.

Why are we missing so much magnesium?

There are different reasons why most of us are really low on magnesium. Here are the main ones.

  1. Our consumption of foods low in magnesium, such as meat, bread and dairy products
  2. The widespread consumption of processed foods
  3. The water we drink is often filtered, and contains fluoride
  4. Chronic stress
  5. Medication (e.g. diuretics, antibiotics, oral contraceptives, etc.)
  6. Certain diseases causing intestinal malabsorption (e.g. Crohn's disease, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, porous intestines, etc.)
  7. Alcoholism
  8. Excessive consumption of coffee or salt,
  9. Etc

In addition, it is important to know that we do not absorb all the magnesium we consume. Only about 50% of magnesium is absorbed, most of it by the small intestine. The other half is therefore rejected.

What are the main dietary sources of magnesium?

We would need an average of 6 mg of magnesium per kilogram, per day. This need is even higher among athletes, pregnant or breastfeeding women, adolescents, the elderly, and people living with chronic stress.

But where do we find the main natural sources of magnesium We find it in good proportions in cocoa, nuts and seeds, in fish, legumes, avocado, leafy green vegetables and certain grain products integers..

Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

Here are some symptoms that could indicate a magnesium deficiency:



-Type 2 diabetes


-migraines and headaches

-chronic fatigue

-Muscle cramps

- intestinal diseases



So, despite our best efforts to consume foods rich in magnesium, it is possible thatsupplementation is necessary to fill deficiencies due to either physical condition or the environment.

What are the main effects of magnesium on the body?


Psychological and brain health effects

Magnesium is recognized for its relaxing properties, which influence the muscular and neurological system.

It can help with anxiety, depression and helps those with ADD a lot of action on tics and anxiety..

Magnesium can also help with a brain injury.

Cramps, Muscle Tension and Insomnia

Again, through its relaxing effect on the muscular system, it helps relieve muscle cramps and tension.

It is also known to help with the quality of sleep and for insomnia.

Weightloss Due to its relaxing effect, it decreases cortisol. By lowering cortisol, it promotes weight loss.


Magnesium has powerful bronchodilator and anti-inflammatory effects, both of which are beneficial to people with asthma.

Headaches and migraines

Studies show that a lack of magnesium could be the cause in about 50% of people who suffer from migraines. Supplementation may reduce the frequency and intensity of migraines.


A large portion of the magnesium absorbed by the body ends up in the bones. It has been shown to slow bone turnover, and therefore prevent osteoporosis.

Fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis

The relaxing effect of magnesium on the nervous system is said to have a positive impact on the condition of people with fibromyalgia and multiple sclerosis.

Magnesium malate is the form that has been more specifically studied

Heart palpitations and irregular heartbeats

Magnesium, supplemented with taurine, can help stabilize and regulate the heart rate, due to its relaxing effect.

The heart contains the highest levels of magnesium in the body.

True magnesium deficiency can lead as far as angina or a heart attack.

PMS and menstrual pain

Magnesium clearly helps reduce period cramps, and changes in mood before and during menstruation.



Not all forms of magnesium are the same quality or absorbable in the same way. And the different forms of magnesium do not have the same functions.

Stay tuned for the next article in the dossier: 'What Kind of Magnesium is Right for Me', to learn more on the subject!t!



  1. Dany Minetto, Jacques Serratrice, Jérôme Stirnemann, Rev Med Suisse 2016; volume 12. 1761-1765
  2. Magnesium, Scientific File written by the Montaigne Medical Academy, 08-2013.
  3. Volpe SL. Magnesium in disease prevention and overall health. Advances in Nutrition. 2013, May; 4 (3): 378S383S..
  4. Wenwen XUE, 1,2 Jing YOU, 2 Yingchao SU, 2 and Qinglu WANG1,3, *, The Effect of Magnesium Deficiency on Neurological Disorders: A Narrative Review Article, Iran J Public Health. 2019 Mar; 48 (3): 379387..
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  6. Uwe Gröber, 1, * Joachim Schmidt, 1 and Klaus Kisters1,2, Magnesium in Prevention and Therapy; Nutrients. 2015 Sep; 7 (9): 81998226..


Article written by Audrée Hogue

AlimentationMise en formeSanté

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